Presentation Guidelines
To ensure the smooth organization of the technical program, we would like to bring to your attention some important information.
- A student volunteer is available in each conference room to provide assistance as needed.
- Presenters need to use their own computer or a computer from another speaker in the session. Please make sure that those computers are equipped with a USB-C or HDMI interface.
- Presentations are allotted a maximum of 17-18 minutes for the talk and the remaining time for questions from the audience, with a total time slot of 20 minutes.
- Recommended slide format: 16 × 9
Session Chair/Co-Chair Guidelines
- Please be at the room of the session you are chairing/co-chairing 10 minutes prior to the start of the session to test the presenters' equipment.
- The Chair/Co-Chair is responsible for introducing the presenters, ensuring time limits are respected, and moderating the discussion at the end of each presentation, allowing for brief questions and answers.
- Each presentation is allotted 17-18 minutes for the talk, with 2-3 minutes for audience questions, totaling 20 minutes.
- All presentations must be done in person.
- Chair/co-chair will receive a form to fill in reporting no-shows, in the case when no authors are present for a talk. Do not start the next presentation early; use any extra time for discussions.
- Please make sure that the original schedule is respected by the speakers. The schedule is very strict (and cannot be reshuffled, delayed or adjusted). This is important to allow researchers to attend multiple talks in different sessions at adjacent time slots.
Session Rooms Equipment
- Each conference/workshop room will be equipped with: (i) An audio system; (ii) A microphone; (iii) A video projector; (iv) Screen. Please note that laptops will not be provided in the rooms.
- Presenters will have access to a podium equipped with power outlets and video cables supporting HDMI and USB-C connectivity for their own computer. Other adapters can be requested and will be supplied on demand by the technician or volunteer assigned to each room.