
The 63rd IEEE CDC will be preceded by workshops on Sunday, December 15, 2024, addressing current and future topics in control systems presented by experts from academia, research institutes, and industry. 

The workshops will be offered based on viable attendance. The 63rd CDC reserves the right to cancel nonviable workshops.

Questions can be directed to the workshop chair Hyungbo Shim (

    • Workshop 1: Contraction Theory for Systems, Control, Optimization, and Learning

      Organizer: Francesco Bullo* (University of California Santa Barbara)

    • Workshop 2: Control and Optimization in the Probability Space

      Organizers: Liviu Aolaritei* (UC Berkeley), Giovanni Russo (University of Salerno), Florian Dörfler (ETH Zurich)

    • Workshop 3: The Scenario Approach for Decision and Control

      Organizers: Marco C. Campi (Università di Brescia), Algo Carè* (Università di Brescia), Simone Garatti (Politecnico di Milano)

    • Workshop 4: Safe and Secure Learning-Enabled Systems

      Organizers: Thinh T. Doan* (University of Texas at Austin), Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis (Georgia Tech)

    • Workshop 5: Control Theory Architecture (CAT)

      Organizers: Aaron D. Ames (California Institute of Technology), Nikolai Matni (University of Pennsylvania), Gioele Zardini* (MIT)

    • Workshop 6: Leveraging bifurcations for control of intelligent and collective behaviors

      Organizers: Anastasia Bizyaeva* (University of Washington), Alessio Franci (University of Liege)

    • Workshop 7: Control of Multiagent Systems: Challenges and Solutions

      Organizers: Tansel Yucelen* (University of South Florida), Deniz Kurtoglu (University of South Florida), David W. Casbeer (Air Force Research Laboratory), Dejan Milutinovic (University of California at Santa Cruz)

    • Workshop 8: Fair Decision-Making and Societally-Aware Control in Networked Systems

      Organizers: Valentina Breschi* (Eindhoven University of Technology), Eugenia Villa (Politecnico di Milano), Chiara Ravazzi (National Research Council of Italy), Fabrizio Dabbene (National Research Council of Italy), Mara Tanelli (Politecnico di Milano), Marco Pavone (Stanford University)

    • Workshop 9: Large Population Teams: Control, Equilibria, and Learning

      Organizers: Aditya Mahajan (McGill University), Panagiotis Tsiotras* (Georgia Institute of Technology), Serdar Yüksel (Queen’s University)

    • Workshop 10: Complex Socio-Technical Networked Dynamics

      Organizers: Angela Fontan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Karl H. Johansson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Pedro U. Lima (Universidade de Lisboa), Sergio Pequito (Universidade de Lisboa), Alessandro Rizzo (Politecnico di Torino), Lorenzo Zino* (Politecnico di Torino)

    • Workshop 11: Past and Future in Control of Networked Systems: Insights and Perspectives

      Organizers: Jeff S. Shamma (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Giacomo Como (Politecnico di Torino), Luca Schenato (University of Padova), Lacra Pavel* (University of Toronto)

    • Workshop 12: From Formal Methods to Data-Driven Verification and Control

      Organizers: Abolfazl Lavaei* (Newcastle University), Chuchu Fan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lars Lindemann (University of Southern California), Saber Jafarpour (University of Colorado Boulder)

    • Workshop 13: Data-driven modelling, analysis, and control using the Koopman operator

      Organizers: Petar Bevanda (Technical University of Munich), Sandra Hirche (Technical University of Munich), Armin Lederer (ETH Zurich), Alexandre Mauroy (University of Namur), Karl Worthmann (TU Ilmenau)

    • Workshop 14: Data-driven control: theory and applications

      Organizers: M. Kanat Camlibel (U. Groningen), Jeremy Coulson (U. Wisconsin), Paolo Rapisarda (U. Southampton), Henk J. van Waarde* (U. Groningen)

    • Workshop 15: Learning Dynamics from Data: Fusing Machine Learning and System Identification

      Organizers: Yuhan Liu* (Eindhoven University of Technology), Maarten Schoukens (Eindhoven University of Technology), Roland Tóth (Eindhoven University of Technology), Dario Piga (Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence)

    • Workshop 16: Remembrance of Allen Tannenbaum: Foundations of modern robust control and beyond

      Organizers: Tryphon T. Georgiou* (University of California, Irvine)

    • Workshop 17: Control and Adaptation: Imagine What’s Next - Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Miroslav Krstic

      Organizers: Mamadou Diagne* (University of California San Diego), Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis (Technical University of Crete), Shuxia Tang (Texas Tech University), Huan Yu (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Tiago Roux Oliveira (State University of Rio de Janeiro), Rafael Vazquez (Universidad de Sevilla), Iasson Karafyllis (National Technical University of Athens Zografou Campus)

    • Workshop 18: NedicFest! A Workshop Celebrating Angelia Nedić at the CDC 2024

      Organizers: Cesar A. Uribe* (Rice University), Philip E. Pare (Purdue University), Thinh T. Doan (University of Texas at Austin), Soomin Lee (Amazon), Tatiana Tatarenko (Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt), Behrouz Touri (University of California San Diego), Jinming Xu (Zhejiang University), Shi Pu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Rasoul Etesami (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Hoi-To Wai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ji Liu (Stony Brook University), Farzad Yousefian (Rutgers University)

    • Workshop 19: Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing

      Organizers: Paolo Burgio (Univ of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Martina Maggio (Saarland University), Filippo Muzzini (Univ of Modena and Reggio Emilia), Alssio Masola (Univ of Modena and Reggio Emilia)